중고 오실로스코프 TDS3032B Tektronix Oscilloscopes 300MHz, 2채널 > 오실로스코프

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중고 오실로스코프 TDS3032B Tektronix Oscilloscopes 300MHz, 2채널 > 오실로스코프

중고 오실로스코프 TDS3032B Tektronix Oscilloscopes 300MHz, 2채널 요약정보 및 구매

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상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

브랜드 텍트로닉스
품명 디지털오실로스코프
모델명 TDS3032B중고제품
판매가격 1,450,000원
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

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중고판매 혹은 렌탈서비스상품입니다.

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본 모델은 중고제품으로서 300MHz,2채널 장비입니다. 



    • 500 MHz ,300 MHz 및 100 MHz 대역폭제공
    • 2 및 4 채널 사용
    • 최고 5 GS/s 실시간 샘플링 속도
    • Full-VGA 컬러 LCD
    • 25가지 자동 계측
    • 9-비트 수직 해상도
    • 다중-언어 사용자 인터페이스
    • 용이한 작동을 가능케하는 QuickMenu 그래픽 사용자 인터페이스
    • 내장 Ethernet 포트
    • e*Scope WebTM 기반 원격 제어
    • WaveAlertTM 자동 측정 이형 검출 기능
    • 애플리케이션 모듈
      • 상세 설계 분석용 첨단 분석
      • 통신 마스크 테스트
      • FFT
      • 테스트 및 결함발견 복구용 비디오 모듈 2개
      • GO/No-Go 고속 테스트용 제한 테스트
      • 글리치, 런트 및 로직을 포함한 첨단 트리거
    • 결과를 간편하게 문서화할 수 있는 플러그-인 프린터
    • 자동 척도 및 단위에 필요한 활성, 차동 및 전류 프로브를 지원하는 TekProbeTM Level II 인터페이스
    • 인쇄를 신속하고 편리하게 해주는 센트로닉스 포트표준
    • 용이한 작업 내용의 저장 및 문서화에 유


기능 및 설명 

The TDS3000B Series of Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes Provides Unmatched Performance and Portability at an Affordable Price

The TDS3000B Series packs the power of a DPO, digital real-time (DRT) sampling technology, WaveAlert waveform anomaly detection, OpenChoice documentation and analysis solutions, and five application-specific modules into a lightweight, battery-capable design.

A DPO Provides a Greater Level of Insight into Complex Signals

The TDS3000B Series DPO delivers 3,600 wfms/s continuous waveform capture rate to capture glitches and infrequent events three times faster than comparable oscilloscopes. Some oscilloscope vendors claim high waveform capture rates for short bursts of time, but your oscilloscope needs to deliver these fast waveform capture rates on a continuous basis – saving minutes, hours, or even days by quickly revealing the nature of faults so advanced triggers can be applied to isolate them.

In addition, the TDS3000B DPO's real-time intensity grading highlights the details about the "history" of a signal's activity, making it easier to understand the characteristics of the waveforms you've captured.

Higher Speeds Demand Greater Bandwidth

The TDS3000B Series DPO provides unmatched insight into complex signal behavior, such as metastable events.

You face faster clock rates and edge speeds, increasingly complex signals and mounting time-to-market pressures. The higher the bandwidth of your oscilloscope, the more accurate the reproduction of your signal. The TDS3000B Series offers a wide range of bandwidths from 100 MHz to 500 MHz to best suit the needs of your most demanding projects, so that you can complete your tasks on time and with confidence.

Quickly Debug and Characterize Signals with DRT Sampling Technology and sin(x)/x Interpolation

The TDS3054B’s 5 GS/s real-time sample rate and sin(x)/x interpolation ensure accurate reconstruction of a 500 MHz sine wave.

Even with 2 GS/s sample rate, which exceeds the Nyquist requirement of 2X oversampling, this 500 MHz oscilloscope with linear interpolation does not provide accurate reconstruction of the same 500 MHz sine wave.

The TDS3000B Series combines unique digital real-time (DRT) sampling technology with sin(x)/x interpolation to allow you to accurately characterize a wide range of signal types on all channels simultaneously. This sampling technology makes it possible to capture high-frequency information, such as glitches and edge anomalies, that eludes other oscilloscopes in its class, while sin(x)/x interpolation ensures precise reconstruction of each waveform. The result — a complete view of your signal to speed debug and characterization.

Enhanced Troubleshooting Ability

WaveAlert waveform anomaly detection alerts you to any waveform that deviates from the "normal" input, such as the glitch on channel 2.

WaveAlert® waveform anomaly detection speeds your troubleshooting tasks by helping you find those elusive problems faster. WaveAlert detection monitors the incoming signals on all channels and will detect and highlight any waveform that deviates from the normal waveform being acquired. Because the TDS3000B oscilloscope can stop acquisition, sound a beep, make a hard copy or save the waveform when it detects an anomaly, you can run tests over long time periods - even unattended - to find those challenging, very infrequent failures.

Simple, Speedy Documentation and Analysis

OpenChoice® solutions deliver simple, seamless integration between the oscilloscope and the PC. Using a standard built-in Ethernet port, e*Scope web-based remote control allows you to control your TDS3000B oscilloscope from anywhere, using the Internet and your PC. With the TDS3GV optional communication module, floppy disk, TDSPCS1 OpenChoice software, and integration with third-party software, the TDS3000B Series provides you with multiple choices to easily capture, transfer, document, and analyze your measurement results. This seamless integration extends the power and value of these brilliantly engineered, affordable oscilloscopes.

Flexible Features for Every Application

Optional application modules enable you to transform your oscilloscope into a specialized tool for limit testing, telecommunications mask testing, and video troubleshooting.

And, with its lightweight, compact size and battery pack, the TDS3000B Series oscilloscope can go wherever it is needed. It weighs only 4.5 kg (9.8 lbs.), with battery installed. Use the optional plug-in thermal printer to instantly document your work, even in the field.

TDS3AAM Advanced Analysis Module - Adds extended math capability, arbitrary math expressions, measurement statistics and additional automated measurements.

TDS3LIM Limit Testing Module - Offers fast, accurate Go/No Go verification that tested circuits are operating within intended parameters.

TDS3TMT Telecommunications Mask Testing Module - Pass/Fail compliance of ITU-T G.703 and ANSI T1.102 standards, custom mask testing and more.

TDS3VID Extended Video Editing Module - Adds Video QuickMenu, autoset, holdoff, line count trigger, video picture mode, vectorscope mode*1, HDTV format triggering graticules and more.

TDS3SDI 601 Serial/Digital Video Module - Identify and analyze ITU-R BT.601 video signals, video picture mode with bright line select, vectorscope mode*1, HDTV format triggering and more.

Look for unintentional circuit noise with the TDS3000B Series’ FFT capability.

TDS3AAM Advanced Analysis Module delivers advanced waveform math.

The TDS3000B DPO with the TDS3LIM limit testing module is ideal for manufacturing test applications where fast Go/No-Go decisions are required. 



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