Universal AC Power Source + AC Power Analyzer > DC전자로드

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Universal AC Power Source + AC Power Analyzer > DC전자로드

Universal AC Power Source + AC Power Analyzer 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

품명 Universal AC Power Source & AC
모델명 380820
판매가격 1,828,000원
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

Universal AC Power Source + AC Power Analyzer


Front (100W) and Rear (2000W) Universal Output Sockets

 For testing products from 85 to 250VAC, 45 to 65Hz


• Standby Power Measurement (10mW to 100W) for desktop and notebook PCs, LCD TVs, AC adaptor/chargers, and any other products that continue to use power when connected to AC,even though they are not in use
• Standard Power Measurement
     100mW to 1000W (110V)
     100mW to 2000W (220V)
• Power Quality Measurement (Watts, Power Factor, Voltage, Current, Harmonics)
• Cost Function calculates cost per day, month, and year
• 99 memory locations for preset voltage and frequency output settings
• Standby and Operation button
• User-programmable Over Current Protection (current limiting)
• Programmable through the built-in RS-232 interface
• Data acquisition mode captures readings to your PC with a user-programmable sampling rate of 2 to 65,535 seconds
• Complete with AC power cord, RS-232 to USB cable and software





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